How Isolation Has Affected the Startup World: 5 Biggest Winners and 5 Biggest Losers

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Tagged: covid startup

As companies grappled with the effects of the lockdown, many have suspended hiring, cut salaries and laid off people. But even though the Coronavirus may have pushed many businesses to the brink of shutting down, there are some startups that have benefited. has influenced the startup world? Let’s look at the 5 biggest winners and 5 biggest losers in the startup industry!

5 biggest losers

Companies that have suffered losses.


The beauty and hairdressing scheduling platform certainly takes its place among startup losers! Beauty salon services were suspended during the coronavirus pandemic, and customers were far more likely to save money to pay rent and food than go to a beauty salon. If hairdressers and cosmetologists are not working, meeting areas also lose money. At first, the company decided to reduce the subscription cost by 50%, but this did not help much. Hairdressers began to massively refuse to cooperate with the platform. for lack of income.


Next on the list are travel platforms. GetYourGuide is a German startup and one of Europe’s largest online platforms for booking tours and attractions. The number of bookings fell by 50% in February alone and declined further as the pandemic continued. The CEO of the startup said that in In the coming months, the company will use its recent investment as its airbag, and all hopes are on the big growth in the travel industry!


The revenues of the Austrian start-up specializing in multi-day tours have also declined. Tours are usually booked 3-12 months in advance of the departure date, so at first the company did not notice a change in the number of trips. But as the pandemic continued, people began to get nervous about unnecessary money spent on tours, which led to a chain of cancellations on the TourRadar booking platform. The startup decided to implement a “credit for future tours” feature to encourage people not to cancel their trips.


Airbnb – another platform for the reservation , where the number of bookings decreased by 50-90% depending on the region reported that in order to reduce the impact of isolation on the world of start-ups and market sharing housing startup suspended its marketing strategiyu.Airbnb suspended the payment of wages to the founders! and cut executive salaries in half. The surprise decision the company made was to offer customers a free cancellation of any advance reservations made for stays before May 31st. This decision was frustrating for hosts who thought the cancellation policies they agreed would not be changed by accident, but Airbnb is likely to survive the crisis simply because of its size and global reach.


As countries close their borders and locals avoid sharing transport, booking services are also dropping. Companies that have experienced a sharp drop in customer bookings include Omio or Wanderio, and French startup BlaBlaCar. BlaBlaCar has experienced a downturn. activity in Western European markets. The drop was found in long-distance cars and buses. But since people still prefer car-sharing rather than traveling by train or bus, the company still has a chance to survive in isolation!

5 biggest winners

Companies benefiting from the pandemic.


On the other hand, we have a transportation booking startup that was already on the list of underdogs before the sudden surge in food delivery services! Uber Eats is now the company’s holy grail as there was strong customer demand for these services in mid-March and bookings jumped 89% in April. Uber then carefully selected countries where food delivery services were unprofitable for the company, and consequently closed services in eight markets. The company claims that the number of restaurant visitors increased sharply, leading to more more service targeting: As one of the largest companies in the world, it is likely that Uber will survive the pandemic in one form or another.


Doctor on Demand apps have proven to be some of the most successful during the Covid-19 pandemic. Kry is a Swedish startup that provides services in Sweden, Norway, Spain and France. It is the most downloaded Doctor on Demand app in Europe, and in during the crisis, its downloads rose 61%! What’s more, consultations increased 80% over last year! The startup’s marketing strategy has also expanded as the company released new products, including a free coronavirus symptom checker. inspired by Apple and Google’s Covid-19 tracking tool.

Babylon Health

Another clever example of a digital health solution is Babylon. In the absence of general practitioners concerned about the number of Covid-19 victims, Babylon has gained a large following. A British startup is the Covid-19 Care Assistant app that helps mitigate the impact of a lack of staff. with coronavirus can now have 24/7 access to monitoring services that help them check symptoms, track their status and consult with therapists and clinicians via video Considering it’s a free option and a way to support the forces of the NHS, Babylon is a startup that shows how to leverage the $ 550 million investment.


Qare is a Paris-based teleconsultation start-up with doctors. The pandemic has driven Qare services up 25% even though the platform was already popular before the Coronavirus! The company’s CEO said the team had to scale up operations to provide faster services and training for practitioners. Doctors – Beyond Babylon and Kry, this is another successful digital health app! Which means it’s not just a trend and online doctor on demand services will remain our new way of consulting with physicians.


The whole world has been forced to work from home. That’s why companies like Zoom are thriving! Zoom is a remote meeting solution that offers video conferencing. In addition to work meetings, the app has even been used for virtual classrooms and church services! Zoom allows users to talk to 99 other people at the same time, and after the pandemic, the net worth of its founder increased by more than $ 4 billion. March 23 – On the day the UK lock was announced, Zoom was downloaded 2.13 million times worldwide. It’s also worth mentioning that the company had to grapple with a number of security issues and thank God they won! The world is a little better thanks to Zoom. and definitely with a lot of connections!


There are many ways in which isolation has impacted the startup world, which are undoubtedly very detrimental to the industry. The crisis, however, showed which companies have a stronger team ready to respond to sudden market changes. This ultimate test of startups distinguished the startups with the most successful businesses. -models from those in which it is necessary to change the business goal.